How to read the tables and notes
Keys, Abbreviations
The Tables give the typical structures of the Office, the differences of the individual sources are indicated in the footnotes.
The 5-digit number identifies a liturgical ‘point’, i. d. a Tempus – Dies – Hora – Functio quadruplet. Each number of the basic row ends with ‘0’, so that new additional records can be inserted between the lines depending on what the new sources require. The main numbers ending with ‘0’ must, however, remain untouched as a requirement for collating files.
The numbers have no relation with the contents, they are prepared so as to reflect the usual arrangement of an antiphonary. Some numbers may prove unnecessary for a given source (having no special piece at that point, e.g. when a set of antiphons is identical on Sunday and the subsequent weekdays). For the sake of uniform treatment we have open lines for such records, too.
At the end of a group of chants there are sometimes numbers reserved for the more extensive choice found in some sources.
- ADV – Tempus Adventus
- NAT – Tempus Nativitatis
- EPI – Tempus Epiphaniae et post Epiphanias
- QU – Tempus Quadragesimae
- P – Tempus Paschalis
- ANN – Tempus per Annum
- 1D – dominica prima
- 1f2 – feria secunda hebdomadae primae
- 1Sabb – sabbato in hebdomada prima
- 4f – in feriis hebdomadae quartae
- die2 – in die secundo infra Octavam
- D70 – dominica in Septuagesima (similiter D60, D50)
- f4Cin – feria quarta in die cinerum
- QuT – Quattuor Temporum
- Vig – Vigilia
- O, Oct – Octava
- N – in matutinis horis, vel: in unico nocturno
- N1 – in primo (etc.) nocturno
- L – in laudibus
- I, III, VI, IX – in prima, tertia, sexta, nona hora
- V1 – in primis vesperis
- V2 – in secundis vesperis
- C – in completorio
- CC – in completorio secundo dominicae una cum feriis subsequentibus
- Inv – invitatorium
- WSac – versiculus sacerdotalis seu ‘versus ad Laudes’
- Comm – commemoratio
- Suffr – suffragium
- a – antiphona unica super psalmos
- a1 – antiphona prima super psalmos
- aa – antiphonae
- Ab – antiphona super canticum Benedictus
- Am – antiphona super canticum Magnificat
- An – antiphona super canticum Nunc dimittis
- Ab+ – antiphona superaddita ad canticum
- Aproc – antiphona processionalis
- Ap – antiphona ‘pro populo’
- R – responsorium prolixum
- V – versus responsorii prolixi
- R1 – responsorium primum nocturni
- V1 – versus ad responsorium primum pertinens
- R4 vel R+ – responsorium superadditum
- r – responsorium breve
- v – versus responsorii brevis
- W – versiculus
- H – hymnus
- Gr, Gr-V – graduale, versus ad graduale
- All-V – versus ad Alleluia
Cantus ID
In the traditional structure of CAO-ECE the precise determination of the liturgical place of the items takes place in the quadruple hierarchy of Tempus – Dies – Hora – Functio. In the present volume a new element was added: the appropriate numbers of the CANTUS Database were inserted into the sixth column of the tables with the designation “Cantus ID”. By doing so we facilitate the integration of our list of items into the network of European databases of similar type (CANTUS, CANTUS INDEX), which facilitates the search and comparison of the Central European Office repertories with other European sources and traditions.
The CANTUS identification numbers are linked to the items of the main line of the Cracow Office (KRA2).
Normalized spelling. Special signs instead of textual information:
- ? – codices hic muti sunt
- – – consuetudo illa hujusmodi cantu caret
- > vel: vide – sicut in loco notato
- # – lacuna (vel pars illegibilis) in codice
- * – conjectura
- (…) – hoc signo distinguuntur verba non ex textu ipsius cantus sumpta
- (de psalterio) – ex parte ‘per annum’ sive e psalterio
- (de laudibus) – antiphona de laudibus ipsius diei